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There is so many art that is made by using recycling materials my friend can make great pieces of art can make dogs with DVD's and also can make more animal , he made a elephant with old T.Vs

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Those who truly treasure the past will not bemoan the passing of the good old days, because days enshrined in memory are never lost.

...love Maegan

oooh, fabulous!


Brilliant! Sparkling! I love this idea ~ so easy and turns out stunning. As soon as I find a place where I am able to plug them in, I'll do this!


Got here from Stumble...love this project! Just what I need for my breezeway and I actually have the supplies already!


This is fabulous! What a great craft idea!

Leaf and Tendril

I really love what you did with those two lanterns, you gave them a new life. Black paint can fix a multitude of sins!


love it

Uncle B

Most the cheap crap coming from Asia now-a -days cannot be recycled - not enough mental in the first place. Good only for the scrap heap. Dammit!

Zowie Lolly

I love the fairy light globe - what a brilliant idea! Thanks for sharing


I love your lighted globe. Genius idea.


How many christmas/fairy lights were on your string, do you recall? Great project!


wow, this is amazing! such a simple idea but so affective! i've been trying to think of a way to 'perk up' my outdoor area on the cheap, i think i've found it!


such a clever chicky ... mwah!

celine boyer

thank you for your visite and your sweet message !
But it's just kids craft, you are amazing ! so creative !
keep going !
bisous...a bientot

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Forever a work in progress, my little blue shed is a place to document and share my adventures in making baking and creating, Thank you for taking the time to stop by. Robin






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